The RCPAAA is a tax exempt, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with US Internal Revenue Tax ID: 75-2484541.  All donations to the RCPAAA are fully deductible to extent provided by law.

Donations by PayPal or Credit Card

Donations by PayPal or Credit Card default to the Back the Blue Fund which is used to support programs that help the RPD better serve our community. You may also click on the dropdown on the PayPal page to select either the K9 Fund, Scholarship Fund, or Other.  Click the “Donate” button below to make a donation.

Donations by Check

Donations by check made payable to the “Richardson Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association” should be sent to the address below.  Please make a note of any designations for your donation on the check memo line.  The available special designations are “K9 Fund,”  “Back the Blue Fund“, “Scholarship Fund“, and “Other“. In order to acknowledge your gift for tax purposes, some information is needed on the “Check Donor Form.”  We would also like to add you to our email list to keep you informed on our activities.  We don’t plan to send an email more frequently than weekly (in most cases monthly. You will be provided an opportunity to unsubscribe at any time. The form may be printed for enclosing with your check by pressing the button below.

Check Donor Form

Mail your check and Check Donor Form to:
Richardson Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association
c/o Richardson Police Department
PO Box 831078
Richardson, TX 75083-1078
Attn: RCPAAA Treasurer

Tax exempt non-profit organization of graduates of the Richardson Citizen Police Academy who work to support the Richardson Police Department and educate the public about crime prevention. Located at 200 N Greenville Avenue, Richardson, TX 75081 [501(c)(3) – EIN: 75-2484541]